Cambridge Viscosity Blog

CVI Attends PAC’s Europe, Middle East, & Africa Distributor Meeting

Oct 6, 2022 12:53:23 PM / by Patrick Riley posted in viscometer meeting, viscosity management, viscometer, viscosity, customer service


Our distributors are the secret weapon to our success. They’re knowledgeable, support a local presence around the world, and help us deliver the most value to our customers. That’s why we were excited to attend PAC’s Process Solutions Europe, Middle East, & Africa Distributor Meeting. Process Solutions, made up of PAC’s Process Analytics Group, Cambridge Viscosity, Phase Analytics, and Advanced Sensors, specializes in advanced analytical instruments for online processes.

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Our Viscometers Just Keep Going and Going …

Oct 7, 2021 8:27:20 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in PVT, high pressure viscometer, lab viscometer, viscometer

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We talk a lot about the accuracy and reliability of our viscometers, and about how they can often run for years without maintenance. It doesn’t matter which viscometer you have – it’s going to be a solid instrument. The reason for this is in the design. The sensors only have a single moving part – the piston – which is electromagnetically driven through fluid in a small measurement chamber. With fluid in the measurement chamber, two coils move the piston back and forth at a constant force. Because the piston is in constant motion, it continuously scrubs the sampling area. The viscometers are self-cleaning, and they don’t require frequent recalibration.

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When your lab measurements are different than the in-line measurements

Feb 3, 2021 12:39:04 PM / by Patrick Riley posted in viscosity measuring solution, viscosity control, viscosity management, in-line viscometers, ViscoPro 2100, viscometer

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There is always some level of uncertainty in comparing on-line viscosity measurements with laboratory measurements. When it comes to viscosity analysis, a major reason for that uncertainty – and inconsistent measurements – is because the fluids are, in fact, under different conditions.

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Eliminate Paint Problems Before They Happen

Oct 7, 2020 9:46:49 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in coating viscosity, viscometer, process viscometer, paint viscosity


In an auto industry that is more competitive than ever, any technology that enhances quality is well worth considering – especially when the benefits far outweigh any costs.

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Preventative maintenance of my process viscometer

Aug 26, 2020 11:19:26 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in monitor viscosity, in-line viscometers, viscometer, process viscometer


Cambridge Viscosity process viscometers are known for robust operation and reliability in viscosity measurements. Performing scheduled Preventative Maintenance (PM) on your Cambridge Viscosity viscometer is vital to system operation, longevity, and verification.  Cambridge Viscosity recommends performing PM on your viscometer on an annual basis as defined in our Operational Manual.  PM can be performed at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary due to internal QA or other departmental policies. 

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How to Configure my Viscometer

Aug 5, 2020 8:08:45 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in ViscoPro 2100, viscometer


The Viscometer Configuration Guide is used to build our viscometer to meet your unique process needs. Our VISCOpro 2100 platform offers a range of options for different mounting, outputs, and sensors choices. The guide steps you through choosing these options and builds a specific product code which can be used for specifications, pricing, drawings, and literature.

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How do I know my new viscometer is working properly?

Jul 23, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in monitor viscosity, in-line viscometers, viscometer


Each new Cambridge Viscosity viscometer ships with a certified hydrocarbon-based viscosity reference standard which is used to confirm proper system operation and accuracy.  A data sheet with viscosity versus temperature is included to provide precise viscosity values in increments of 0.1C.

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