Chris Seeton is widely considered to be an expert in the compressor/refrigerant industry. He has the notable distinction of being the person who won the first battle that allows new low global warming refrigerant regulations to come into effect by serving as the Global Technology Leader at Honeywell and leading the industry’s effort to replace R134a with R1234yf which came to fruition in 2015 (an EPA CAFÉ credit of 13.8 gCO2/mile or ~3 mpg per vehicle by just changing the refrigerant). Even today, he continues to drive change in the industry by leading two cooperative research project groups through SAE on developing new heat pump systems for electric vehicles.
Profile of Dr. Chris Seeton: How CVI helps support a cleaner future
Oct 13, 2022 8:33:51 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in compressor viscosity, lab viscometer, refrigerant viscosity, 372 sensor
How to Choose a Viscometer
Apr 20, 2022 1:32:35 PM / by Patrick Riley posted in process viscometers, lab viscometer, in-line viscometers
There are many different viscometer technologies and all have their merits, depending on the application.
Before you go and talk to any manufacturers, it is important that you know your application specifications and you need to know what to ask so you don’t end up with an expensive paperweight. This guide will help you gather your information upfront so when you do reach out, we can assist you quickly and effectively.
Employee Spotlight: Meet Kevin John, Viscometer Service and Support
Jan 27, 2022 2:26:43 PM / by Patrick Riley posted in process viscometers, service, lab viscometer, viscosity, on-site service
Customer service and support is really important to us at Cambridge Viscosity. It’s important that our customers get the best installation, startup, calibration, troubleshooting, and training we can offer. We feel like we do customer service really well, and one of the reasons for that is Kevin John.
Our Viscometers Just Keep Going and Going …
Oct 7, 2021 8:27:20 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in PVT, high pressure viscometer, lab viscometer, viscometer
We talk a lot about the accuracy and reliability of our viscometers, and about how they can often run for years without maintenance. It doesn’t matter which viscometer you have – it’s going to be a solid instrument. The reason for this is in the design. The sensors only have a single moving part – the piston – which is electromagnetically driven through fluid in a small measurement chamber. With fluid in the measurement chamber, two coils move the piston back and forth at a constant force. Because the piston is in constant motion, it continuously scrubs the sampling area. The viscometers are self-cleaning, and they don’t require frequent recalibration.
Small Sample Viscometers Key to Accurate Viscosity Analysis
Nov 19, 2018 11:00:00 AM / by Admin posted in biotech, small sample viscometer, lab viscometer
Boston--What do you do if you need accurate viscosity information, but have only a small sample of material available to test? Small sample viscometers are helping researchers, analysts and technicians address this need across a broad array of applications.
CVI Small Sample Viscometer Used for Silkworm Protein Measurements
Sep 4, 2018 12:00:00 AM / by Admin posted in viscosity measuring solution, biotech, small sample viscometer, lab viscometer
Boston—Cambridge Viscosity announces that a prestigious Boston area university has purchased a small sample viscometer for biomedical research in its school of engineering.
Biodiesel Viscosity Research at Kansas University with HP Viscometer
Sep 14, 2017 2:44:00 PM / by Admin posted in biodiesel, international, high temperature viscometer, refining, high pressure viscometer, research, lab viscometer