Cambridge Viscosity Blog

VISCOpro Used in Research to Analyze Viscosity in a Rotary Compressor

Apr 29, 2021 8:31:44 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in 501 sensor, viscosity measuring solution, viscosity control, research, compressor viscosity


When compressor manufacturers design a new compressor model, part of the process includes determining the type of refrigerant and the accompanying lubricating oil, which is necessary to reduce friction on metal parts, reduce wear on the compressor, and extend the life of the system. The company must conduct extensive testing to ensure proper energy efficiency and functionality. The lubricant has a significant impact on the performance of the compressor. Over-lubrication can impact the compressor’s ability to cool properly, but too much refrigerant will lead to more wear and a shorter compressor lifecycle.

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Biodiesel Viscosity Research at Kansas University with HP Viscometer

Sep 14, 2017 2:44:00 PM / by Admin posted in biodiesel, international, high temperature viscometer, refining, high pressure viscometer, research, lab viscometer


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