This week, the Cambridge Viscosity team has been in Houston, Texas for the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC). OTC is the largest oil and gas conference in the world. In normal years, attendance is about 59,000 industry professionals. Due to Covid, OTC was canceled in 2020. This year, the event was scaled back in size in consideration of the safety of attendees. Despite being scaled back a bit, the conference has been great. We've have great conversations with industry professionals, who, like us, have been excited to travel for the first time in over a year.
Offshore Technology Conference: 2021 Image Gallery
Aug 19, 2021 2:18:51 PM / by Patrick Riley posted in viscosity control, ViscoPro 2100, viscometer calibration, ViscoLab PVT+
How often should I calibrate my viscometer?
Sep 30, 2020 11:16:05 AM / by Patrick Riley posted in process viscometers, viscosity, viscometer calibration
This question gets asked frequently due to concerns about validating data and measurement using inline or laboratory viscometers. The answer ultimately depends on how critical the measurement is and the type of viscometer used in your application.