Click to download the one-page pdf detailing how Cambridge Viscosity helps refineries avoid compressor failures.
Avoid compressor failures by monitoring lubricant viscosity
May 18, 2023 9:14:35 AM / by Admin posted in gas compressor, compressor viscosity, ViscoPro 2100
Regulatory Uncertainty Drives Demand for Explosion-Proof Technologies
Jul 14, 2021 1:30:16 PM / by Patrick Riley posted in explosion-proof, viscosity measuring solution, viscosity control, gas compressor, compressor viscosity, refrigerant viscosity
Air conditioning systems use refrigerants to do the job of cooling an indoor space. These refrigerants, in the form of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), potentially contribute to climate change, and are currently being phased out of use in the United States. The phaseout approach, which was initially started in 2010, gives manufacturers time to develop ozone-friendly refrigerants as an alternative.
An interview with CVI Rep Suzhou TAIEN about the Compressor Industry
Jun 17, 2021 12:12:25 PM / by Patrick Riley posted in viscosity measuring solution, viscosity control, gas compressor, viscosity management, compressor viscosity
Did you know we have a global representative network that supports Cambridge viscometers all over the world? We decided to reach out to a few of them to get their thoughts on the compressor industry. The first rep we talked to is Suzhou TAIEN, who is responsible for viscometer sales and support in China.
Expanded Lubrication Oil for Gas Compressors
Mar 12, 2019 7:59:00 AM / by Admin posted in process viscometers, lube oil, refining, gas compressor, oil monitoring, compressor viscosity