Oil and Gas Exploration

Measuring Viscosity in Crude Oil and Natural Gas Extraction Applications 

Viscosity is the key parameter in Reservoir Fluid Analysis

Our ViscoLab PVT+ is the industry standard for PVT viscosity measurements and the only technology with a complete operational span to cover all reservoir conditions from any geology around the world.

  • Handles enhanced oil recovery applications with ease 
  • Improves production efficiency while withstanding harsh offshore drilling conditions. 
  • Analyzes reservoir fluids containing hydrogen sulfide and other corrosive materials, even in high pressure and high temperature conditions 
  • Resists corrosion 
  • Includes an adaptation to measure dynamic viscosity despite off-gassing 
  • Incorporates low-torque sealing and a flow-through manifold for core analysis 
Person at an oil field at dusk reviewing viscosity data

Set up a meeting to talk to one of our experts today. 

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Download our White Paper

Measuring Viscosity Under Extreme Pressure and Temperature

whitepaper-oil-gasDo you work in extreme conditions in the oil and gas industry? Then you know that measuring viscosity under extreme pressure and temperature is a challenge!

Learn what our real-life experts found out in the oil fields and how they achieved ideal results at extreme conditions. Download this free paper to learn: 

  • How to accurately measure viscosity under high pressure and high temperature
  • Calibration methods to get consistent results
  • How a ViscoLab PVT delivers accurate viscosity measurements even under extreme conditions



Viscosity Measurement in Oil and Gas Applications

Tracking viscosity is important when it comes to understanding conditions deep underground. The viscosity of oil and gas can be highly variable, depending on environmental temperature and pressure, as well as the molecular makeup of the raw material. Pressure and temperature changes cause viscosity readings to fluctuate dramatically, and can be irreversible. These characteristics must be controlled precisely through the sample extraction, handling, and analysis for fluid integrity. The viscosity system must safely provide accurate, repeatable, and timely information while using as little sample as possible. 

Cambridge Viscosity's system is designed to overcome these challenges, delivering more accurate results and with significantly less sample and time than competing systems. With a higher pressure rating than competing units, Cambridge Viscosity equipment is available in isothermal and pressure-controlled systems, and is designed to take multiple measurements on a single sample for statistically verifiable results. 

In addition to oil, our viscometers can accurately measure gas and gas condensates and other fluids under high pressure conditions. They are ideal for:

  • Pressure Volume Temperature (PVT) Analysis 
  • Core Analysis 
  • Supercritical Fluid Analysis


Deep Sea Oil Rig

Our Industry Partners



Advanced Sensors manufacture trouble free, zero maintenance oil in water analyzers that provide accurate and reliable measurements, using video microscopy, fluorescence and spectrometry techniques. Visit us online at www.advancedsensors.co.uk. 


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PAC is the leading manufacturer of lab & process analyzers for gas chromatography, elemental analysis & physical properties. Visit us online at www.paclp.com. 

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