Ease of use for our customers is important, and we know that having our products available in the local languages makes it easier for customers to do their jobs. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we are incorporating three new languages within our new ViscoLab PVT+ viscometer. These languages are 1) Mandarin (Chinese), 2) Spanish, and 3) Portuguese.
For superior functionality, the interface, exported data, and all user-facing elements will be translated in these languages. The ViscoLab PVT+ in Mandarin, Spanish, and Portuguese are available to order today. These languages were selected in consideration of our existing installed base, as well as forecasted market growth in key sectors to meet the global demands of expanding interest in PVT studies.
ViscoLab PVT+ is designed to handle PVT measurements in high-pressure, high-temperature applications which are used to simulate subsurface environmental conditions. It offers an intuitive touchscreen interface with customizable functions to ensure fast access to the right information. However, if the operator can’t understand the data, it doesn’t matter how fast or accurate it may be. Considering the critical decisions which are made based on data, where the ViscoLab PVT+ is commonly used, including measuring viscosity at the oilfield wellheads, having instrumentation that is localized and easy to understand by the technicians who are using it is a huge benefit. It supports safe operation, makes training easier, reduces the risk of errors, and minimizes miscommunication.
PVT+ Home Screen in Mandarin
PVT+ Home Screen in Portuguese
PVT+ Home Screen in Spanish
By adding additional languages to the ViscoLab PVT+ viscometer, Cambridge Viscosity is helping to ensure the instrument is easy to use and understand. This, coupled with quick and accurate measurements, will ensure we will continue to be the preferred choice for extreme PVT measures for a wider expanding global audience.
If you're interested in learning more about the ViscoLab ViscoLab PVT+, reach out to our team of application engineers.